مشخصات درس : 
نام درس :
علوم رفتاری در سیاست‌گذاری
( Behavioral Science for Policymaking)

کد درس :

تعداد واحد :
مقطع :
کارشناسی ارشد

پیشنیاز :

همنیاز :



The course will cover various decision-making processes and theories related to cognition and behavior. We will discuss myopia, escalation of commitment, individual versus group decisions, decision-making in gains versus losses contexts, decisions when probabilities are low, moderate, or high, decisions regarding saving and borrowing, and decisions based on our experience and memory. We will also examine the impact of hunger on decision-making.


The course will cover various decision-making processes and theories related to cognition and behavior. We will discuss myopia, escalation of commitment, individual versus group decisions, decision-making in gains versus losses contexts, decisions when probabilities are low, moderate, or high, decisions regarding saving and borrowing, and decisions based on our experience and memory. We will also examine the impact of hunger on decision-making.
Week 1: Are We Rational? Why Do We Need to be Nudged?
Week 2: Decision Biases Versus Decision Errors. The Effect of Experience

Week 3: How Do We Think?
Week 4: How Judgment Happens? The Framing Effect.
Week 5: Heuristics and Biases.
Week 6: Heuristics and Biases
Week 7: Escalation of Commitment
Week 8: Overconfidence
Week 9: What Rules Govern People’s Choices between Risky Options and Sure Alternatives? Myopic Choices
Week 10: Prospect Theory, the Endowment Effect, Low vs. High Probability Events
Week 11: Two Selves: Experiencing and Remembering Selves Negotiations
Week 12: Following the Herd. When Do We Need a Nudge? Choice Architecture. But Wait, There’s More
Week 13: #Sluge. Save More Tomorrow. Do Nudges Last Forever? Perhaps in Sweden. Borrow More Today: Mortgages and Credit Cards.
Week 14: Insurance: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff. Organ Donations. Saving the Planet. Much Ado About Nudging
Week 15: Group versus Individual Decisions. Decisions When Hungry. Motivational and Emotional Influences on Decision-Making. Fairness and Ethics in Decision-Making
Week 16: Bounded Awareness. Makeup Materials and Review
Textbook 1: Kahneman, D. Thinking Fast and Slow. 2011
Textbook 2: Bazerman, M.H. and Moore, D. A. Judgment in Managerial Decision Making, 8th edition, 2013
Textbook 3: Thaler, R.H. and Sunstein, C.S. Nudge: The final edition, 2021
The Weekly Scheduled Readings list below references other required readings besides those listed above